¤Ion is in a relationship with Măria.
¤Măria is now in a relationship with Ion and other 26 people. (Popa Satului and other 24 people like this)
¤Măria is attending the event "Mulsul vacii" (Vaca lui Măria and Ion like this)
¤Măria is not really attending the event "Mulsul vacii". She is actually attending Vasile in the barn.
¤Ion comes to see Măria attending the "Mulsul vacii" event and finds out what is she actually attending.
¤Ion is now single.
¤Ion was invited to join group "Beţivanii satului"
¤Ion and other 20 people are attending the event "Beţie la crâşmă". (Crâşmarul likes this)

¤Ion set his status to: "Supărat sunt doamne, iarăşi supărat"
¤Ion is now drunk and pissed on Măria's Wall

¤Măria finished attending Vasile.

¤Măria set her status to: "Foarte obosită. Sper să mă pot trezi mâine să merg la biserică"
¤Vasile commented to Măria's status: "Eu nici nu cred că vin. Poate duminica viitoare?"
¤Babele din sat are attending the event "Slujba de duminică" (Popa satului, Părintele Iosif, Ţârcomnicul and Clopotarul like this)
¤Beţivanii satului missed the event "Slujba de duminică" because of it's interference with the event "Beţia de duminică" (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)

¤Popa satului and Popa Porno are now friends (The Devil 666 Satana and Clopotarul like this)
¤Măria set her status to: "La spovedit"
¤Ion commented on Măria's status: "Ce-i Mărie, te-o prins ruşinea?"
¤Măria also commented on her status: "Taci , Ioane că eşti prost!"
¤Popa satului also commented on Măria

¤Vaca lu' Măria set her status to "Muuuuuuuuuu"

¤Măria commented to Vaca lu' Măria status: "Ioi ce proastă-s, am uitat să te mulg. După spovedit vin şi la tine. Paşte până atunci!" (Vaca lu' Măria likes this.)

¤Primarul satului added "şpagă" and "corruption" to his activities (Popa satului likes this)

¤Şefu de Post set his status to: "La primărie, la o vorbă cu primarul"
¤Primarul satului is now attending "Puşcăria". (Bebiţă săpunaru' and all his friends like this)

¤Mărie set her status to: "Watching Fermier caut nevastă, so fuck off!"
¤Vaca lu' Măria exploded. (Ion likes this)
¤Măria commented: "vaaaaiii!!!!!o murit vaca?am uitat s-o mulg!!!mă omoară tata când se întoarce de la crâşmă!!! :((("
¤Popa satului also commented: "Super, încă o înmormântare pe săptămâna asta!" (Ţârcomnicul and Popa Porno likes this)
¤Popa satului added "Praying" and "Porn" to his activities (Popa Porno and Părintele Iosif like this)

¤Popa satului, Părintele Iosif and Clopotarul are now in a relationship and it

¤Popa satului set his status to "Zi de post, fiilor" (Babele satului like this; Beţivii satului dislike this)
¤Tata lu Măria posted on Măria's Wall: "Ce ai făcut cu vaca? Te omor!!!"
¤Tata lu' Măria killed Măria.
(Ion and Popa satului likes this, Vasile and other 25 people dislike this)
¤Tata lu Măria is now attending "Puşcăria" along with Primarul Satului.
¤Măria is attending Hell (The Devil 666 Satana, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and other 75 bilion dead people like this)
¤Vaca lu' Măria is attending Heaven (Saint Peter likes this)

¤ Ion set his status to : "The show must go on!" and creates the event : "Beţie la crâşmă 20.00 P.M." (Beţivanii satului, Popa satului and other 25 people like this)


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